I am a lover of music. There's nothing better than songs that are so brilliantly written, combining clever lyrics and music - two of my most favorite forms of art. The way they move people, inspire people, evoke emotion, bring people together. I find myself, like many others, identifying with songs that seem such a match for the particular season or place of life I'm in. I cherish those moments when you discover a song - whether on accident, through a friend, or browsing through your music library and rediscovering songs once love - that speak RIGHT TO YOU! Like, someone looked into your heart, saw your struggles, joys, right where you're at, and wrote a song. I get such a thrill looking up lyrics to song, studying them almost, and getting a better grasp on what the song is about or why it was written. And yes, i have been known to replay a song over and over and over and over again...i can not get enough of them!
In this season of life, the time i would refer to as my time in the desert (Hosea 2:14, Song of Songs 8:5), there have been quite a few songs that speak right to my heart. What the Lord is doing in me and around me, is ASTOUNDING. He is taking this sinner's heart, this numb soul and transforming them. Maturing them, refining them. As I'll probably talk about quite of few of this season's songs, I wanted to start by sharing one that not only speaks to where I'm at, but inspires me. Sing my Love by Kim Walker/Jesus Culture (Listen to it here). Oh, what truths does this song speak of. And what PASSION does Kim Walker sing with. I smile every time i hear her laugh in the recordings. She is overflowing with joy. She is singing to our Lord.
Some of the lyrics:
"Words can never say the way He says my name,
He calls me lovely.
No one ever sees, the way He looks at me
He sees me wholly.
Words can never hold this love that burns my soul,
heaven holds me."
But truthfully, do you understand?
The way He sees us? He sees us wholly - everything we are ashamed of and try to hide, the quirky parts of us we're afraid to share with those around us. He sees the whole thing. ALL of us. He sees us for what we are - disgusting and unworthy sinners. And still, STILL He calls us lovely. He looks at us, past the sin and struggles, addictions and strife, and calls us, LOVES us. Does that not just blow your mind?! He chose us, and calls us lovely. Pursues us. And words can not do His astounding love justice.
"You would not believe the way He touches me,
He burns right through me.
and i could not forget, every word He said
He always knew me.
the earth could never hold, this love that burns my soul
heaven holds me."
He always knew us. Always. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him - 1 John 3:1 The earth can not contain this love. It can not hold it, nor can it extinguish this great love.
"Can't hold my love back from You,
I can't hold my love back from You,
I gotta sing, i gotta sing,
sing my love"
Mmm, can't you sense the joy?! I remember driving home a month or so ago from 24 music-less hours, spent in silence and basking in the Lord. This song came to mind, and i sang my heart out, full of the JOY, in awe of just how much the Lord LOVES us. How can we not sing of His love?! How can we not worship Him, dance for Him, sing to Him, pray to Him out of LOVE and admiration?!
"I can't hold my praise back from You,
I gotta shout my praise...
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
my soul makes, makes it's boast in the Lord"
-Kim Walker
"My soul will boast in the Lord,
let the afflicted hear and rejoice" - Psalm 34:2
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying :
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving-kindness" - Jeremiah 31:3
This song reminds me that, no matter what the season, the Lord's love remains. He loves loves LOVES us. How often do we loose sight of this? He loves us more than we could ever imagine. What better way to thank Him than worshipping Him and letting our hearts rest in peace, knowing His marvelous love.
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