"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" This is the very idea of Christian Hedonism. I have just started reading "When I Don't Desire God" by John Piper, after a friend so graciously bought it for me a few weeks ago. While my desire for God and God alone has increased in the past few months (solely by the grace and mercy of God), the book is definitely still relevant and teaching me so much. I love the theology behind Christian Hedonism.So often as Christians, and even as non-believers, i think we perceive the calling of Christ as a task or as our life's purpose, but we fail to acknowledge the unsurpassable joy that accompanies following that calling. As Piper points out, "Christ is to be cherished, not just chosen" [Piper,19].To cherish is to hold something dear, or think of something longingly. In our following of the Lord, it is essential to adore Him and thank Him for everything. Sometimes, we stop at simply choosing God and fail to truly long for Him and cherish Him. It is my prayer that our eyes be opened to the beauty of Christ - that the beauties and wonders of His creations bring us joy, point to His glory, and allow us to truly cherish the Greatest Treasure.
Ultimate satisfaction in the Lord cannot be shaken, even amongst great trials and persecution. True joy in the Lord is so steadfast on His hope and His foundation, that we learn to rejoice amongst despair and persecution. Easier said than done, i will wholeheartedly admit. "[Finding satisfaction in the Lord] will happen when Christians don't just say Christ is valuable, or sing that Christ is valuable, but truly experience in their hearts the unsurpassed worth of Jesus with so much joy that they can say, "I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" (Phil 3:8)," [Piper, 21]. We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance (Romans 5:3)
After reading this first chapter, I was reminded of a couple things. First off, a couple weeks ago, a classmate and i got off topic in class and started discussing Christianity in relation to his Atheistic beliefs. When he asked me what i thought the purpose to life was, I responded that it was seeking Christ with everything I am. To him, and to other atheists i'm sure, this sounds like a sick and twisted game. I do not know with complete certainty nor will not claim to know what the purpose of life is - only God does. But i do know, my life has purpose in living for Christ. Not just living, but finding ultimate satisfaction in Him, for it is then that He is most glorified. Finding that satisfaction is a lifelong purpose, as it is more difficult to find satisfaction and joy amongst trials. However this, i believe, is the ultimate calling - sustaining and living for Christ through any and all things. Though our faith will waiver, He will not.
Another thing i thought about was a conversation with a dear friend after a church service last summer. She was "turned off" in a sense, to what seemed like strict rules and regulations that accompany a life with Christ. In the service, the works of the flesh were listed and compared to the fruits of the spirit: "Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity...drunkenness, orgies..etc." -Galatians 5:19-23 I could tell my dear friend felt judged, ashamed and hurt by what seemed like religious intolerance. Being able to comfort her and shed understanding on the beautiful redemption and reasons behind these "rules" has been something I've since been praying about. After reading this first chapter, I feel like choosing to live not out of the flesh acknowledges our satisfaction in the Lord. Living and bearing fruits of the Spirit rather than choosing to live of the flesh is a choice - when we choose God, we acknowledge that living for Him is so much more fulfilling than anything else. Our desires are shifted, replaced, as we seek the constant source of Joy and Satisfaction. Instead of perceiving the lifestyle that chooses to abstain from sex outside of marriage and refraining from drunkenness as judgmental, strict and prude or getting angry at the restraints, think about knowing the Ultimate Reward - our Sole Desire. "Christ is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" - not the things of this world. They will pass and perish, but a relationship with Christ will not. As we grow in relationship with Him, as we open our eyes to our great disparity and dire need for Him, we learn to trust that His ways are perfect. The "rules" that we follow when we choose life with Him are because we trust that He is working everything for our good - He is protecting our hearts, and desires for us to know Him. I want to be most satisfied in God throughout anything life throws at me, so i choose to follow His ways and not the ways of the flesh (imperfectly, of course) that lead to confusion, distraction and destruction of my life's purpose.
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
-Psalm 90:14
Lord, in any and all seasons, You are God. May we be satisfied in Your steadfast love and truly be glad all our days - through all trials and persecutions, God. May we truly LONG for You, may we crave life in You and acknowledge our dire need for You, Lord. Let us glorify You by being satisfied in You. Shed light on the love and purpose behind living in the Spirit and not in the flesh, God. Shed light in the glorious purpose of life in You.
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