Can't Sleep = Ramblings, photos, thoughts, dreams on my mind and heart
Healing. Lover. El Salvador. India? Long-term missions? Adoption! Renewed. The Latino community. Teacher. Mentor. Student. Disciple. The complexity of the issue of immigrants without documentation. Marriage counselor? Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you i wait all the day long. -Psalm 25:4-5 "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words". Blessed. Stubborn. Determined. The Psalms. Busy-ness. Applebees. Student teaching. Art. Hermitages.
Ahh! I keep listening to this message on my church's website (I never make it on Sunday mornings so I didn't hear it in person) and I thought of you again(!) while listening to it so I'm telling you: - 2/14/10 - Cindy McGill's message. I absolutely love the message, it resonates so much with my heart (and I can talk more about it specifically if you want me to) - I have absolutely no idea why He keeps bringing you up when I'm listening to it but maybe you'll know.
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