Our world is saturated with grace, and the lurking presence of God is revealed not only in spirit but in matter - in a deer leaping across a meadow, in the flight of an eagle, in fire and water, in a rainbow after a summer storm, in a gentle doe streaking through a forest, in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, in a child licking a chocolate ice cream cone, in a woman with windblown hair. God intended for us to discover His loving presence in the world around us - Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel (p 91)
Truly, there is beauty in the simple things. When life isn't crowded by stuff, when we live in each day and focus solely on the present moment - simplicity. Something that really struck me in Guatemala and El Salvador was how different the act of living seemed. It was more laid back, less constricted by time and appointments. That could just be what i experienced, but i will say that life in these countries was totally different from life here in the US.
Simplicity is beautiful. As a photographer, photos that are simple in content, yet so brilliantly constructed are my absolute favorites. As a follower of Christ, i am floored when the Lord uses the simplest of concepts, the simplest of events or parts of nature (that are complex) to speak to us. When our hearts are softened by a child's laughter - as happened for so many of us at the schools and orphanages we visited - when a simple meal is widely celebrated and appreciated, when you catch a glimpse of the Lord's power and majesty in the crashing waves or the view outside an airplane window. Simplicity.
This revelation, this renewed appreciation for simplicity has been tugging on my heart. To bring simplicity into my crazy, busy (yet fun) schedule, to realize how much consumerism and a need to complicate my life with STUFF has a grip on me. Thank you, Lord. I love how our complex, multifaceted, HUGE God reveals Himself in the simplest of ways, in the simple things at times, so that our tiny human minds can catch sweet glimpses of who He is.
Let me close with a quote from a book i'm reading (I LOVE READING, just putting that out there):
The deeper we grow in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the poorer we become - the more we realize that everything in life is a gift. The tenor of our lives becomes one of humble and joyful thanksgiving. Awareness of our poverty and ineptitude causes us to rejoice in the gift of being called out of darkness into wondrous light and translated into the kingdom of God's beloved Son.
-Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel (p 81)
It's simply really, and humbling. God sent His son to die for us - to take on ALL of our sins, to redeem us. His blood has set us free, free to choose a relationship with Him or not. His longing for us is simple - that we may trust Him with our lives, lay our lives at His feet and take up our cross. His love, while complex and deep and wide and HUGE, is simple because it's unconditional. It's forever. Embrace simplicity.
Also, check out my dear friend Brie Peters' blog - living in the moment. I had the privilege to help lead the mission trip with her and grow in relationship with this amazing woman so passionate for the Lord. Her blog is insightful and beautiful, and i know she has so much of her own to say about this trip. :)
Simplicity. May God give us wonderment, open eyes to detect and embrace simplicity.
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