The team has returned from Guatemala and El Salvador. Wow, what a trip. The Lord is astounding and powerful and faithful. His works and ways are perfect. As i was on the trip and dwelling on all that the Lord was revealing, i felt called to write about experiences that fall into three parts and plan on blogging them during the next week:
Part 1: There is Need
Part 2: Beauty in Simplicity
Part 3: There is God
I was so blessed to meet so many amazing people on this trip, to bond with the team and see the Lord's hand. Being the photography lover i am, i took over 1,000 photos and can't wait to include them in the next few blogs! Keep checking in - they'll be up soon :)
For now, I'll keep this short and sweet, as God is still revealing so much, post-mission trip. Some call it culture shock. Already, I am so shocked at how consumerism, commercialism and a need to have so much STUFF grips America. I'm addicted to shopping. Yes, I only bargain shop, but i get suckered in to buying so much STUFF. Clothes, mostly. It seems as though our addictions are most apparent and most tempting when we're under stress or pressure, or our emotions are out of whack. Isn't that crazy? That's when the Lord wants our hearts and attention MOST - when we are vulnerable and feel the weight of the world and need His sweet love and mercy. So why, why do we turn to our addictions to temporarily satisfy us? I feel called to give up clothes shopping for a year. 365 days. That seems impossible - especially for me!! But i fully believe i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It will be a battle, that's for sure - no shirts, no pants, no jeans, no accessories, no SHOES, no NOTHING. Nothing for 365 days. Until July 24,2011. Christ Jesus, give me strength. Give me Your heart, an ability to see the need in this world. A desire and thirst for You that cannot be quenched by consumerism or any other addiction.

AHHH! I was just going over the pages of Captivating that talk about what you wrote above this past week. like He did it again! so crazy and I totally believe in you and can only imagine what a year of that will do to you Katy!! (and it is exciting I tell you :P). so yeah! (and I have NOT forgotten about that message I want to get to you, I figured out how I can get it on CD which wasn't my original plan, but it will work if you're okay with and send my your address via a Facebook message/e-mail :) ). Blessings and everything, -Amber-