"For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope..." Jeremiah 29:11
Last summer, my 'plans' did not include being a part of the Miss Lakeville Scholarship Pageant. Last summer, i never would've seen myself heading to El Salvador. Last summer, I had NO idea of the Lord's plans for me - to grow me and mature me. And though yes, it was and has been an excruciatingly painful journey, there have been sweet moments and beacons of hope, pointing to the Lord's promise. I would not, i could not, exchange the pain and loss and pruning of my heart for the relationship i now have with the Lord. Though sometimes i struggle in choosing the Lord's will over my own, He is constant, He is worth it, His will is always good and righteous.
So, in a super brief summary, my life has been CRAZY! I love the go go go, but i also have felt a lack of God-time impact my heart and i am thirsting for more of Him. Let's see...busyness. I've been keeping busy with TONS of photography editing, some wedding shoots, engagement shoots, BABY shoots - thank you God, for the opportunities :). I have also been working to complete my last online class before i technically 'graduate'. I've been trying to see as many amazing people and spend time with them. Spending time with family, preparing for El Salvador, working at Applebees and Data Entry and most recently, being crazy busy with Miss Lakeville stuff. Which brings me to my second point - Beauty Pageants. I have been blessed to spend time with 10 amazing women as we have practiced and prepared for the Miss Lakeville scholarship program. The pageant was on Wednesday night! It all went so fast. The highlight for me was praying with all the contestants before the show went on, giving God all the glory. It's so easy to get caught up in ourselves, i feel, especially in a pageant. And the Lord deserves all the glory and honor. As the pageant went on, thank you God - i was not nervous! I can truly say, trusting in Him with the outcome helped relieve that nervousness. And wow, i was honored to receive Miss Congeniality and First Princess, runner up to the beautiful Miss Lakeville - Jenna Diercks. I love all the women that competed, they have such beautiful hearts and a variety of passions. And i look forward to spending the next year with Tiffany Payne and Jenna as we are ambassadors of Lakeville - what!? Crazy title, huh?! Haha. Yesterday was crazy busy with the parade and all the Pan O Prog events. Today is the Appreciation Picnic and then it's time to pack for El Salvador.

Mmm, El Salvador. I have the amazing opportunity to help lead, along with Brie Peters, Nathan Lyke and Jackie Koch a group of 17 wonderful high schoolers on a 10 day mission trip! We leave TOMORROW at 3:30 in the MORNING! Can you believe it?! It has come so fast!!! We'll be traveling through parts of Guatemala and El Salvador and visiting orphanages, performing skits we've prepared, and just reaching out to people and sharing the love of the Lord and the Good news. I can not wait. I would be more than thankful if you would pray for the team - for the Good News to be heard and accepted, for the hearts and lives of those in El Salvador and Guatemala, for healings, for miracles, for safety and health, for unity. Thank you, SO MUCH. This missionary's heart is SO excited to see God move.
So, until July 21, I will be in El Salvador. And in this busy, joyful season, I have learned the importance of making time to spend with the Lord. It is necessary - for peace and for our heart to remain steadfast in Him. Do you feel that thirst? That unsatiable desire and need to spend time in Him? BEHOLDING Him? It is truly what we all need more of. What's been going on in your life? What has the Lord been revealing? I would LOVE to hear about it!
*Ignore the cheesy music video, this song is AMAZING.
listened to this while making Mac and Cheese for my little ones, while thinking of my little orphaned ones in Ethiopia. His plans are unshakeable!!! Amen! Thanks for the post and the video! Committing to pray for you and the team as you bless many. Can't wait to hear about it.