Monday, September 27, 2010

One Foot In Front of the Other

I am a sporadic, undisciplined runner. I'll go through waves of really feeling motivated to run mile after mile, only to be discouraged weeks later that i can only run a couple miles. Its SUCH a mental thing, you know? I have the confidence that i am fully capable of running a half marathon and great distances, but there are times when i simply cannot because i mentally talk myself out of it.

The mind is a powerful thing. Today on my run, I ran two miles straight, then walked some. I was ready to tackle this long hill i always pysch myself out about. When i arrived at the bottom of the hill, I looked down at my feet and focused on each step. Rather than looking at the crazy intimidating hill that lay ahead, I focused on putting one foot in front of the other. I cranked up the worship music, meditated on Philippians 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me), listening to worship, and kept my mind focused on the Lord. It worked - for awhile, but my undisciplined mind and curiosity got the best of me, and i realized i still had so much more hill to climb. So i walked the rest of the way, feeling discouraged.

How applicable is this idea of "putting one foot in front of the other" in a life sought after the Lord, huh? While we are called to run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.. (Hebrews 12:1-2) it is also important that we take it a step at a time. For me, conquering that hill was similar to confronting other areas in life. If we focus on what lies ahead, or the difficult journey the Lord is calling us to embark on; if we were able to see a desert season lying straight ahead of us, or see situations that would bring us pain and hurt, we would be SO discouraged and so...unwilling to continue running this race, wouldn't we? Gosh, if i could avoid pain or a trying season, i think i would. And that is why the Lord's ways are so mysterious. That is why we catch glimpses of His plan in His timing, and He reveals things to us as He sees fit. This race we are running will be difficult at times. We will be left heaving and tending to running cramps. We may even have to sit it out on the side line, crippled by excruciating pain. We may have to run for lengths of time, in the heat of a desert and feel all that is within us running dry.

But let me affirm and encourage, the end result is worth it. Reaching the finish line after a trying journey, will be the best feeling EVER! God has placed us in this very journey - do you believe it? Instead of asking for Him to reveal more about the journey you're on, instead of asking Him why, let our whys be silenced with prayers asking God to be our strength and all we need on the journey. His plan is greater than ours. His plans are for our good.

And as for the mental discipline? We all must learn to take our thoughts captive before the Lord. When we catch ourselves falling into an oppressive cycle that bring feelings of unworthiness, that reveal generational curses we have come to believe, that discourage us and keep us from valiantly running the race that lies ahead, may we bring them before the Lord and allow Him to shatter the lies. May we turn to His truth, the Living Word to build us up and keep us hoping in Him. This journey? It starts by putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that whatever lies ahead, Jesus is who we look to, He is who we turn to, He is the source of strength we need to keep running, and the one who will shatter the lies we've come to know and replace them with His glorious truths. So take the next step.

1 comment:

  1. Katy, I enjoy reading your blog and am blessed at the message you shared! I can certainly relate and feel encouraged. Thanks for sharing! Ps: I am officially following as of today:) -Erica
