Monday, September 20, 2010

Savoring His Presence

Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for Him to act.

-Psalm 37:6

Let your ROOTS grow down into him, and let
your lives be built on him. Then your faith
will grow strong in the truth you were taught,
and you will overflow with thankfulness.

-Colossians 2:7

A dear friend recommended the book, A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. Only pages into the first chapter about being a woman fully devoted to God, George emphasizes the importance of spending time in His Presence. She includes the story of Mary and Martha, and how Jesus commended Mary for sitting in His presence, enjoying His company and dropping the need to busy herself in preparation for His visit.

What makes it so hard to BE STILL and simply dwell in the Lord? How have we grown accustom to always going, going, going, constantly on the move - even if it's on to the next church event or the next service project or youth group or getting coffee with a person you mentor, etc. The list goes on. Yes, faith without actions is dead. Yes, serving and being actively involved in bringing His kingdom to earth is beautiful. But why is simply sitting at His feet - meditating with scripture, worshipping, simply beholding God so hard?

Spending time with Him is what He asks. Putting down the business of life, letting our minds be consumed by Him and stray away from the thoughts of all we have to do is His plea. If only for a few moments each day. As cliche and overused as this line is, we are in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Relationships involve spending time with that person, giving them your undivided attention and just...taking them in. And if our relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important one of all, i pray we all get to a place where we are OVERJOYED to just sit and bask in His presence.

When we give Him our undivided attention, when we allow Him to move as we remain STILL before Him, this is the very place where the Lord will reveal more of Himself. This time with Him is where He gives us visions, instruction, reveals His abounding love and affections towards us.

My prayer for all of us is that we find time to truly savor His presence. That we realize our need for Him, and feel an emptiness without taking the time each day to meet with Him. Stay in His presence, just a little longer. Spend time in prayer, focus on one verse or one quality of the Lord, or simply sit. Whatever time with Him looks like, God may we crave it. May we feel an insatiable desire for more of You.

Be STILL and know that i am God!
-Psalm 46:10

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you
-James 4:8

Check it: A Little Longer...

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