Thursday, September 30, 2010


The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice...!
-Psalm 97:1

Listen to this:

Simple lyrics, right? Our God reigns; forever Your kingdom reigns!

The definition of reign as a verb: 1) to posses or exercise sovereign power or authority 2) to have control, rule, or influence of any kind 3) to predominate, be prevalent

So when we sing Our God reigns, we are claiming that He is sovereign and in control. We are CLAIMING that He will prevail - His kingdom, His power and His glory. Jesus Christ is not only our Lord and Savior, but the Supreme Ruler. No matter what we are dealing with, no matter what darkness we are going through - He REIGNS!!!!!!! Seriously, can we even fathom that? If we could, and if we really trusted that God reigned over EVERY ONE of our situations, there would be so much more peace and joy, even in the midst of our trials.

You guys, our God reigns! Listen to the song again. Only this time, let that truth sink in to your heart.

If we truly trust that our God reigns, how do we respond? As i've been praying for specific situations friends are dealing with, this is what i feel is the answer that encompasses several of them: Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (Psalm 27:14)

Now, waiting on the Lord may look different in each situation. But as we wait in the Lord, we trust His sovereignty is at work - meaning, He is reigning over all our situations! Sometime in our waiting, we are called to act, make a decision, reach out to someone, say something we've been scared to say. Sometimes, we'll be called to not say anything and completely remove ourself from the situation, pray without ceasing, etc.

I am in a season where i am learning to further trust in our God's sovereignty. I believe He has called me into this new season and new career, for it was only after acting - taking a semester off and waiting on Him, that i received new direction. In this season of rest, i've sought Him more than i ever have, but i have also waited on Him (and still am). While His calling on my life becomes stronger, so do the enemy's attacks. And THAT is hard to deal with - the doubt, the apathy, etc. i'm currently confronting. SO, i must wait and trust that my God REIGNS and the enemy is crushed beneath His feet!

Sweet friends, you three who are learning to let go of love lost, trust in His sovereignty. He reigns! You who are in the midst of this beautiful season of being engaged, trust He is preparing you for your role as wife (even the submission part ;P) - He reigns! You all who are in a season of mourning or learning to comfort friends who mourn, He reigns! He reigns, He reigns, He reigns. Trust this, and find true freedom knowing He is taking care of our situations and asking us to WAIT on Him. Give the situations to our Sovereign Lord, be obedient, and see what He does with it. Trust me, the outcomes will be far greater than we can imagine.


  1. Another great song to go with this is "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller.

    "While I'm waiting, I will serve You, While I'm waiting, I will worship, While I'm waiting, I will not faint.... I'm waiting on You Lord, And I am peaceful, I'm waiting on You Lord, Though it's not easy no, But faithfully, I will wait."

    I'm currently jamming out to this at work right now while I'm reading your blog. Sometimes we do have to wait for his direction, whether it's only for a few hours, or a few months, or maybe even a few years. While we might not see, hear, or feel like he is responding to our prayers, he IS working in his own way. Trust, trust, TRUST in him, and we will provide. Patience is a virtue, right? It's a tough one, but it has the greatest rewards! =)

  2. Awesome post- so great to hear God's truth in your writing!
