Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Constant Surrender

How much strength the act of surrendering requires. When the Lord beckons us, instructs us, calls us to surrender, to let something go and yield to Him, it calls for humility and an utter trust in Him. How faithful our Lord is - i don't think anyone will ever be able to fully wrap their minds around how deep His faithfulness truly is. It would certainly take more than a lifetime to understand. Our Lord is faithful. FAITHFUL. Even when we lose sight of His promises, even when we don't understand why something has to be a certain way, even when we turn our backs on Him - He is still faithful.

His faithful love endures forever -Psalm 136

Great is His faithfulness - Lamentations 3:23

The bible speaks so much of the Lord's awesome faithfulness. This thought has been on the forefront of my mind: "For i know, you are faithful, my God". As I repeat this over and over, even when i don't fully find refuge in it, it becomes more real. More recognizable. The Lord is faithful. With this in mind, the act of surrendering just makes sense. When the Lord calls us to surrender, He is faithful. The picture of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son on the altar, simply because the Lord instructed, is SO so humbling. Abraham was willing and ready to give up someone he loved more than anything. And the Lord's faithfulness was apparent through Abraham's willingness. How amazing is that?!

For when we surrender, we are free. When we give up our own lives, we gain a new one. When we hand over our free-will, our independence, do we receive our true freedom. Your will, God, not mine. You are faithful. Surrendering is something i pray becomes a daily commitment. It is so necessary to constantly surrender - our own desires, our own intentions - so that the Lord may do what He wills and use us even more than we could ever imagine.

I'll probably refer to this C.S. Lewis quote from The Four Loves countless times in this blog. But, may the glorious image C.S. Lewis describes fill your minds with a steadfast hope - the Lord is faithful. When we surrender, we become His vessel. May you envision this excerpt and allow it to transform you:

"We have been like bathers who want to keep their feet - or one foot - or one toe - on the bottom, when to lose that foothold would be to surrender themselves to a glorious tumble in the surf. The consequences of parting with our last claim to intrinsic freedom, power, or worth, are real freedom, power and worth, really ours just because God gives them and because we know them to be (in a sense) not "ours"."

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