Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rushing the Seasons

(Listen to this song, I Need You More by Kim Walker as you read this.)

Do you ever find yourself wishing you were at a different place or in a different season of life? "God, if only this semester were over" or "God, if only you would call me out of this time of singleness" or "God, i just want to be done with this job" or even "God, i just want this DAY to be over!!" Oh, what a part of human nature it is to rush the season of life we're in. We pray for deliverance, we get bogged down, even question Him. "Why, Lord, WHY have you brought this season upon me? Why must i deal with this sickness or Why must i deal with this loss, suffering, pain, hopelessness, addiction, unemployment, hurt?" Why would our Lord and Savior, who is all good, loving, and merciful allow us to walk through such painful seasons? Why do we have to see loved ones experience pain and loss?

But the Lord truly is ALL GOOD. Never lose sight of that. Have you ever noticed, in those painful seasons of life, even in those "off days", just HOW MUCH you rely on and realize your need for God? If everyday was a good day, smooth sailing, full of joy, i can honestly admit that i wouldn't realize my dire need for the Lord and His character. If i can trust God in the joyful and abundant times, shouldn't i trust Him in the hard times? For one reason or another, the Lord allows pain in our lives. Sometimes, He calls us into painful seasons. Awkward seasons of growth, painful seasons of maturing, refining, and loss. But i'm finding more and more, as i grow in relationship with Him, that He only wants to have us near. When we are hurting, He is right there to comfort us. He holds every tear that has fallen. When He calls us into difficult seasons of life, He is there every step of the way. As it says in Isaiah: When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For i am the Lord, your God, the Holy one of Israel, your Savior -Isaiah 43:2-3 The Lord does not say "if" you go through deep waters or if you go through pain, but WHEN we do. Though i may not know exactly why He allows pain, i do know that we learn more about His loving and merciful ways, His all-good character, His love and desire for US.

So, do not rush this season. That is my own prayer and my prayer for any and all who read this. Seek the Lord, trust Him in this season. When you doubt, when darkness surrounds you, cry out to Him. Behold his beauty, His light, His LOVE for us. Look for His beauty and touch in this painful season - how is He growing you? Where is He refining you? In what areas is He blessing you? Let your wishes for another season or your desire to rush through the one you're in be replaced with trust and a steadfast reliance on Him. The Lord knows what you're going through. He has a plan and purpose for you in it.
The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy
-Psalm 28:7

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
-Isaiah 26:3

Side Notes:
*One of my dearest friends, Kim, made me think about this last night. Though she has gone through loss and pain of her own so recently, it was humbling to hear her find confidence in her own season. Check out her blog and keep up with her as she studies abroad in Australia here.
Photo by Justin Vagle

*I am reading/rereading some amazing books. May i recommend Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning and one of my all-time favorites: Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. Hinds' Feet was a book a dear friend of mine (Lindsay Stadler) recommended in the most painful point of this season I'm in. WOW, I can not tell you what a blessing this book is and i wholeheartedly recommend it. To anyone going through a season they may not understand or may not see God in. Or just to anyone looking for a good read. It's a beautiful allegory of the Song of Songs. I am so excited to have this opportunity to share it with two amazing girls i mentor, Kylie and Emily :) I'll definitely be posting more about this book as the three of us go through it!

*One of the songs of this season: Desert Song by Hillsong


  1. Hey pretty lady! I gave you a "blog award" today... all about being Happy! :) Loved your post... i love reading!!!

  2. Aw THANKS RIA!! What does that mean?! Haha can we get together soon sometime?! I'd love for you to teach me more about this blogging world and all the secrets :P You're the queen of blogs it seems :)
